Spiral songs
Attune, Honor, Balance
Music and gathering for the Turning of the Year
Inspired by the landscapes of New Hampshire…
Spiral Songs curates immersive musical gatherings incorporating performance of classical and folk songs with participatory group singing, outdoor exploration, and guided mindfulness work. Inspired by the cycles of the earth and the local landscape, programs are crafted to reflect the qualities of the season and invite participants to attune to the seasonal changes of our inner and outer landscapes through music.
As the sun spends more time in our skies and temperatures continue to warm, the smells of earth, moss, and mud fill the air. The sounds of birds and running waters return and new leaves and blossoms burst forth from branch and bud. This season is full of energetic flourishing and exploding growth, when the exuberance of the natural world can be exhilarating and motivating. It can also be a time of frustration and overwhelm.
How can we help ourselves meet life’s challenges with steadiness and clarity? This season reminds us to celebrate the life-giving earth and call in the tempering powers of empathy and patience as we navigate the swiftly changing seasons.
© 2024 Molly McCahan
Artists and Program
Pianist Elias Dagher and violinist Shelby Trevor will be joining Claire and Molly McCahan for this season's iteration of Spiral Songs. The program symmetrically arcs, beginning with group singing, followed by musical performance of folk and classical songs, centered with time for nature exploration and reflection. Light refreshments will be available. This event is appropriate for Ages 10+.